What is your name and how long have you been in your current position?
My name is Rocio Orzel-Diedrick. and I am have been in my position for 8 years.
What is your current role in University Housing?
I am the Building Supervisor for Merit, Ogg, Smith, and Davis.
How long have you been with University Housing?
I have been with University Housing for 8 years.
What do you do on a typical day in your job?
A typical day for me is working with my staff making sure we provide a clean, safe, and happy home to all our guests as well as doing all administrative tasks needed to keep our building running smoothly, My most favorite part of my job is working with the students. It makes me smile to see them learn and grow knowing I’m part of their success.
What’s your favorite thing about working with students who are living on campus?
Getting to know the students personally, sharing stories about where they come from and what they are aspiring to become, as well as seeing them graduate and start their new adventures. Though, it is sad to see them go.
What is a past work accomplishment that you’re proud of?
I’m most proud of what my team has become. We all are a family and there is nothing any of us would not do for one and another.
What is a secret talent that your co-workers may not know about?
My daughter says sleeping is my talent. Singing is most definitely not my talent.
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Mexico. I came to the USA when I was 9 and grew up in Escanaba, Michigan.
Where is your favorite place in the world?
My home.
What are you passionate about?
My family.
What is your favorite TV show, movie, or book?
Friends is my favorite TV show and Gone with the Wind is my favorite movie.
What is your favorite family/home tradition?
Every Friday night we order take-out dinner and play board games or watch movies as a family. It’s my most favorite day of the week!
If you would like to see one of your coworkers featured in a future issue, email marketing@housing.wisc.edu with your coworker’s name and their supervisor’s name.