What is your name and how long have you been in your current position?
My name is Bretagne Ballard and I have been in my current position for 2 years.
What is your current role in University Housing?
I am an Associate Director in Residence Life with a focus area of Student Engagement & Advocacy. I am responsible for Wisconsin Late Night and the Residence Hall Advisory Board.
How long have you been with University Housing? Other positions on campus?
I have been with University Housing for two years and it is the only UW job I’ve had.
What do you do on a typical day in your job?
I supervise 4 fantastic Residence Life Coordinators and support their areas. I plan and implement Wisconsin Late Night every Friday & Saturday from 9pm to 12am. I collaborate with campus partners for large scale events. No day is truly typical but it keeps me on my toes.
What’s your favorite thing about working with students who are living on campus?
My favorite thing about working with students is being able to learn something new. They always find a way to teach me something and it keeps me young. I really enjoy engaging with the student staff, it inspires me.
What is a past work accomplishment that you’re proud of?
I am proud of the work I accomplished with my department during the pandemic. It was hard and overwhelming, but we really did some good work.
What is a secret talent that your co-workers may not know about?
I don’t know how secret it is, but I am an avid gamer. I’ve been gaming since I was like 8 and have been in love ever since.
Where did you grow up?
“In West Philadelphia, born & raised. On the playground is where I spent most of my days…” You get the gist.
Where is your favorite place in the world?
At my mom’s house.
What are you passionate about?
Social Justice, Education Reform, and Food
What is your favorite TV show, movie, or book?
Really hard question…but my all time favorite book that I read when I was way too young is “Daddy’s Little Girl” by Mary Higgins Clark.
What is your favorite family/home tradition?
Honestly any type of family gathering is my favorite because there is always delicious food present. But if I have to choose, it would be Christmas.
If you would like to see one of your coworkers featured in a future issue, email marketing@housing.wisc.edu with your coworker’s name and their supervisor’s name.