Residence Hall and University Apartments Facilities to be Combined

Two of University Housing’s facilities operations, Residence Hall Facilities and University Apartments Facilities, will be combined into one unified unit as of February 21, 2022. This new unit, called University Housing Facilities, will be led by Mike Kinderman, current director of Residence Hall Facilities.

Leadership for both the Residence Hall and University Apartments Facilities teams are working through any possible changes that will need to be implemented to accommodate this merger. University Housing has extremely talented staff in both of these facilities areas with great knowledge and experience that will help guide the process thoughtfully and inclusively.

This change will not result in any job loss, nor is there intent to combine any other Residence Hall and University Apartments areas together.

We are hopeful that the combination of these two strong teams will increase service levels and provide a deeper bench and more opportunities for all University Housing Facilities staff.