What is your name and how long have you been in your current position?
Matt Hummer – 2 years in August.
What is your current role in University Housing?
Assistant Building Supervisor – MOSS (Merit, Ogg, Smith, Susan B. Davis)
How long have you been with University Housing? Other positions on campus?
Almost two years. This is my first/only position on campus.
What do you do on a typical day in your job?
I am based in Smith Hall on the 1st floor, but I assist the MOSS staff & residents as needed.
What is your favorite thing about working with students who are living on campus?
I get to live vicariously through them and remember my “glory days” as an undergrad at Penn State.
What is a past accomplishment that you’re proud of?
I was part of the opening management team of a brand new hotel in midtown Manhattan.
What is a secret talent that your coworkers may not know about?
I completed several classes/seminars on wine tasting & food pairings.
Where did you grow up?
DuBois, Pennsylvania
Where is your favorite place in the world?
My sofa after work
What are you passionate about?
Hospitality/Travel & Tourism
What is your favorite TV show, movie, or book?
Top Chef & competitive cooking shows, anything streaming free on a 2+ hour flight, The Girl With All the Gifts (the last novel selected for my since disbanded book club)
What is your favorite family/home tradition?
Summer kick-off golf tournament in May with my cousin (attached photo – I’m in red shirt).
If you would like to see one of your coworkers featured in a future issue, email marketing@housing.wisc.edu with your coworker’s name and their supervisor’s name.