Partners in Giving Celebrates 50 Years

The 50th annual Partners in Giving campaign has kicked off!

UW–Madison employees can donate to the local, national, and international charities of their choice to make a difference in the causes they care about. Online pledges can be made through payroll deduction or by credit card at

Information about other ways give, such as using a paper pledge form, can be found at

As little as $1 per pay period adds up to make a positive impact in our community and around the world.

New this year are virtual Charity Lunch and Learns. On-campus campaign activities run through November 30, 2022; contributions are welcomed through May 2023.

Housing is offering several special events throughout October and November to give alternate ways to support the Partners in Giving Campaign. Details can be found on the HR Toolbox at Partners in Giving Campaign 2022 – HR Toolbox (

Door Prize Event

You could win a 2021 Green Bay Packer Football (display case included) or a Bucky Book 31 (valued at $35)!

The Bucky Book features coupons from over 300 local businesses. Save 50% off at local businesses, restaurants and services, thru September 2023!

                                      A football signed by the 2021 Green Bay Packers team in a display case        Bucky Book logo

All Proceeds will go to the 50th Annual Partners in Giving Campaign!

Submit your entry (s) between October 17, 2022–October 31, 2022,  4:00pm

Donors: Green Bay Packers and Bucky Book Office, Middleton, WI.

Drawing Held: Thursday, November 3 at Noon in Human Resources, Slichter Office.

  • Door Prize Winners do not need to be present and will be contacted.
  • Only UW Housing Career and Student Employees are eligible to participate in this event.

Submit your entries and donations at MobileCause:  

  • Suggested donation for a chance at one of the two door prizes, is $5.00 each entry or 5 entries for $20.00
    • In the Choose Amount field, indicate total amount in $5 increments (i.e.:  $15 = 3 entries)
  • In the Select your UW Division field- selectHousing, University
  • In the Special Event Description field, enterDoor Prize Event

You can also submit your Name, Contact Info, and donation directly to one of our Partners in Giving, Housing Representatives.

Housing Guess Who?

Submit your photograph and participate in this year’s Partners in Giving virtual game Housing Guess Who?

We need your help! We are looking for photos of Housing staff members from a different age in your life, where you may or may not be recognizable, to be used in our Guess Who game slideshow. So show off that old prom dress or tuxedo, bad 80s perm, high school senior photo, favorite Halloween costume, or let everyone know you were the cutest baby. Upload your photo here or email to

Want to play? Register to participate in our game here, for Tuesday November 8th at 3pm. Suggested donation for players is $5. This zoom event will feature a picture slide show set to music and a downloadable playing card listing of all Housing staff names who submitted a photo for contestants to match.

If you submit a photo, you can still play! You just will not receive a point for matching your own photograph.

If you have questions email

Your Housing Partners in Giving Representatives:

Laurie Teeter, HR- Chair:

Shawna Veselsky, RHF:

Kelly Giese, Res Life:

Natalie Rehn, DCS:

Kevin Weber,UA:

Anastasia Kramper, Business Services: