FoodWIse Nutrition Classes

Tuesdays, April 18-June 13

The University of Wisconsin Extension-FoodWIse is offering more free nutrition and cooking classes called “Eating Smart, Being Active.” These free nutrition classes feature ideas for:

A mother and child bonding over healthy food in a kitchen

  • Quick, easy, healthy and low-cost meals and snacks
  • Opportunities to taste and prepare healthy, low-cost recipes.
  • Fun ways for you and your children to move more.
  • Free recipe book, measuring cups, meat thermometer and many more other gifts to remind you of the lessons.

Each class has 9 sessions and each class is limited to 6 participants so sign up today! To register for these free classes, contact or scan QR Code and fill out form:
Ze Yang, Nutrition Educator, Phone: 608-224-3749 or Email:

QR code to sign up for FoodWIse classes

A family of four preparing healthy food together

Family benefits

  • Plan, shop and prepare tasty meals that are not expensive to make.
  • Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits eaten daily.
  • Able to get enough calcium from low-fat or non-fat dairy foods or other foods high in calcium.
  • Able to limit foods high in fat, sugar, and salt
  • Will receive upon completion of classes an Eating Smart, Being Active certificate!

Comments of past participants who had taken the nutrition and cooking classes said: “The classes helped me to learn to read

nutrition facts on food labels to make healthy choices”, “I save money by compare unit prices when I went to shop for foods”, and “Remember to take physical activities, be more active, do more exercise”.

Flyer for Nutrition classes