Water main flushing will be happening in University Apartments the week of September 30, weather permitting. All work will be done during daytime hours. This work is done outside of the buildings at the fire hydrant locations, so no one will need to enter your apartment. Water in Madison comes from an underground aquifer and contains naturally-occurring minerals like iron and manganese. These minerals can build up over time as sediment in our water mains. Flushing the water at the hydrants helps to clear out naturally-occurring mineral sediment that can build up in the water system and cause discolored water and other problems. Water main flushing is a normal part of maintaining the water system and achieving the best water quality.
During the water main flushing, you may experience a drop in water pressure in your apartment. You should not experience a water outage. We also suggest not doing laundry until the evening on the days they are actively flushing the hydrants near your apartment. Discolored water can stain clothing. You can run the cold water at the sink in the laundry room to be sure the water is clear.
Once the mains have been flushed in your neighborhood, you may notice sediment or a yellow, brown, or reddish color to the water. Cold water should be run at full force at the faucets in your apartment until it is clear again – usually within a couple of minutes. If you experience persistent low water pressure, please contact the Apartment Facilities office and we will send a mechanic to address that concern. You can submit a maintenance request online or call the office at 608-262-2037. Please feel free to contact the Apartment Facilities Office if you have questions about this work.