The Badger Period Project was created to provide people on campus with menstrual cycles easier access to basic health necessities. These products are available for anyone who needs them because this is not just a “women’s” issue, it is a human issue. Our goal is to create a healthier and more inclusive campus.
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The Badger Period Project was started by a group of Bradley Hall residents in the Fall 2021 semester as part of their Bradley Learning Community seminar. By partnering with University Housing Facilities, these students worked to have 17 additional product dispensers installed in publicly accessible bathrooms in residence halls and dining halls. Their goal is to make free menstrual hygiene products available in bathrooms across campus.
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Why do we use the term "menstrual products" instead of "feminine products"?
Not all people with periods are women and not all women have periods. Periods are biological not gendered.
Where can I find the free pads and tampons?
Check out the map at the top for locations! Below the map, we also have a list of the addresses where the products are available.
What if the dispensers have run out?
Oh no! Look at the map above to find where there are others and click here to submit a request to refill it.
What if the dispenser is broken?
We can fix it! Click here to submit a maintenance request!
Who are these products for?
Anyone who needs it, whether you have a period or a bloody nose.
How did this start?
This started as a project for a Bradley Learning Community seminar group. Those involved found it inconvenient to not have menstrual products when they needed one, so they decided to change it. For more details, read the history and mission statement above!