Residents of WISE participate in a ropes course activity


Center for Cultural Enrichment (CCE)

Witte Residence Hall | Room 125 | 615 W. Johnson St. | Madison, WI 53716 |
Open Hours: Mondays – Thursdays 1 – 10 p.m. | Fridays 1 – 5 p.m. | Sundays 6 – 10 p.m.

The Center for Cultural Enrichment (CCE), located in Witte Residence Hall, is a multi-use space where all students are welcomed. The friendly atmosphere is a great place to study, attend a program, relax, cook, or hang out when you need a break from a busy day. CCE staff provide support and connections for international students, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) students, and students of color who may feel isolated because they are numerically small populations on campus. If you have questions regarding campus resources, housing, how to get involved, or multicultural issues, CCE staff is there to provide support and assistance.


The mission of the CCE is to provide a safe and all-inclusive space that brings to life the Residence Life core values of academics, diversity, community, and involvement. We achieve this mission through outreach, programming, and promoting diversity of thought. We strive toward social justice, as well as seek a holistic approach to it by embracing all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender expressions, religions, classes, abilities, or any other aspects of identity we hold.

All events hosted by the Center for Cultural Enrichment are open to all University Housing residents and staff.


The CCE strives to keep a current collection of movies and books for students to access. Some of the movies are popular, non-mainstream titles. Other movies are focused on diversity education topics. All residence hall students and staff are able to check out movies and books using their Wiscard. The CCE also keeps a collection of educational resources which are useful for student staff members who are providing programming and conversations around diverse topics.

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Calendar of Events

Students at sitting at the CCE table

Gender Inclusive Housing

new pride flag

We want all students living in the University Residence Halls to feel welcome and safe in an environment conducive to learning and success both inside and outside the classroom. Gender Inclusive Housing is intended to meet the needs of transgender, gender non-conforming, nonbinary, and LGBTQ+ students and allies to preference a housing assignment that is inclusive, safe, and comfortable.

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International Connections

University Housing strives to support all underrepresented identities in the residence halls. Our International-focused student support is assisted by our Center for Cultural Enrichment Programming Assistants. They work with the International Student Services Office and a variety of student organizations to provide programming for International residents, as well as programming which builds relationships between International residents and their peers.

If you are an international student and have questions about anything linked to your student status on campus, please contact the International Student Services Office.

Gender & Sexuality

University Housing strives to support all underrepresented identities in the residence halls. Our LGBTQ+-focused student support is assisted by Residence Life Programming Assistants. These staff members advise students who have self-identified as LGBTQ+ and work closely with the Open House Learning Community, located in Phillips Hall, as well as in partnership with the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC).

Do you have questions about whether the Residence Halls will be a safe space for you to live based on your LGBTQ+ identity? If so, check out the GSCC’s Navigate Campus guide. In addition, these staff members provide ally training workshops to increase knowledge, understanding, and ally support to the LGBTQ+ community. One of the programs that is offered within the residence halls is Ally Training. If you are interested in having this program hosted in your hall, please contact your Residence Life Programming Assistant to find out when this program will be in your hall or area.

For more information/support/resources, please also consider contacting or visiting the friendly staff at the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center, located in the Red Gym.

In addition to these resources, Open House, a learning community within University Housing, welcomes students who wish to build a community dedicated to safe space and examining conventional and transformational assumptions about gender and sexuality. In addition to a supportive residential community, Open House offers a seminar on gender and sexuality in the media, co-curricular activities, and flexible rooming arrangements to meet your needs. Open House is just one of the many places you can live on campus!

Being an Ally

An ally is someone who supports the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer community. Straight allies stand with LGBTQ+ people in creating safe and inclusive environments and celebrating the spectrum of gender identities and sexual orientations. All of the LGBTQ+ programming that is done in University Housing is open to LGBTQ+ students and their allies.

Our Wisconsin

University Housing is dedicated to helping all students become aware of the importance of their own identities and knowledge of differing identities, which are our daily lived experiences. Understanding identities and engaging in dialogues are the first steps in creating respectful relationships and interactions within a diverse community.

We partner with the office of Inclusion Education to engage our residents in the Our Wisconsin program.

Reporting Bias

Every Badger Deserves Respect.


The University of Wisconsin–Madison values a diverse community where all members are able to participate fully in the Wisconsin Experience. Incidents of Bias/Hate affecting a person or group create a hostile climate and negatively impact the quality of the Wisconsin Experience for community members. UW–Madison takes such incidents seriously and will investigate and respond to reported or observed incidents of bias/hate.

Bias Incidents

The University of Wisconsin–Madison values a diverse community where all members are able to participate fully in the Wisconsin Experience. Therefore, in University Housing, one of our priorities is to establish inclusive, respectful and caring communities.

If you have information about who is responsible for this bias incident or experience and/or witness an act of bias, please report it to a House Fellow or your Residence Life Coordinator. You can also report bias incidents online here. UW–Madison and University Housing respond to all bias incidents and may pursue disciplinary action if the bias is individually directed.

If you would like to discuss the incident, please contact your Residence Life Coordinator who is located in your Residence Life Office or Cleda Wang, Assistant Director for Residence Life-Inclusion:

Bias Incident Protocol in University Housing

  1. Any witnesses or residents of the incident(s) report the details to a Residence Life professional or student staff member.
  2. Assistant Director connects with Residence Life Coordinator to review the report, investigate, and weigh in on options for the residents involved and the community.
  3. A response is formulated by Assistant Director and Residence Life Coordinator.
  4. The Response is implemented.


There are several ways you can report incidents of hate and bias:

  • In-person: Report to House Fellows, Dean of Students Office (70 Bascom Hall)
  • Mobile UW: Safety
  • Online: Dean of Students Office
  • University Housing: House Fellows, Residence Life Coordinators


Viki Lee

Position title: Residence Life Program Manager

Scott Seyforth

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Residence Life Assistant Director

Travis Winger

Position title: Residence Life Program Manager