students and Bucky in lounge area

The Resident Experience

There’s a lot more to college life than sleeping and studying. It’s about self-discovery, and University Housing helps you make the most of it! We provide opportunities and resources to make friends, get involved, find support, and have fun. Last year alone, our residents participated in over 3,500 activities. From leadership opportunities to field trips and trivia competitions, ways to meet new people are always going on. And living on campus gives you direct access to support staff and convenient resources for a comfortable, safe, healthy experience.

"I met some of my best friends while also learning how to be independent in life"

Sara M., Leopold Residence Hall

Wisconsin Residential Experience

Here in University Housing, we use our residential curriculum (named the Wisconsin Residential Experience) as a foundation for our intentionally structured methods of promoting learning amongst our residents. Living in community at UW Madison will prepare residents to be positively engaged on campus and beyond. Through different initiatives, programs, and events, our Residence Life staff work with residents through our Wisconsin Residential Experience curriculum, focusing on residents learning about themselves, learning how to create an inclusive community, and learning skills to be a successful Badger.