Submitted by University Apartments Community Police Officer Jeff Kirchman
From the moment they move on their own, children’s innate curiosity can sometimes lead them into unsafe situations. According to the National Safety Council, more than a third of child injuries and deaths occur in the home. Childproofing your residence is a critical step in helping keep children safe.
Officer Kirchman would like to help by offering a free Secure Solutions Childproofing Kit for your apartment. Each kit contains two Secure Grip door knob covers, eight cabinet or drawer latches, twenty outlet plugs, and and an Essential Home & Travel Childproofing Guide in both English and Spanish.
To claim a kit, please visit Officer Kirchman’s office, room 131, at the Community Center when he is in. His weekly schedule is posted outside his office door. In general, Officer Kirchman is around most week days. Or, if you’re unable to stop by, feel free to reach out using the information below and he may be able to arrange delivery.
While there aren’t enough kits for every apartment in University Apartments, the few dozen that are available can significantly improve child safety in our community.
Jeff Kirchman
University Apartments Community Police Officer
608-264-2677 |
University Apartments Community Center, Room 131