Dining Seating Space

At Gordon and Four Lakes, our two busiest dining markets, you have likely seen that we usually have overflow seating available during lunch and dinner to allow more space for customers to sit and eat. At Gordon, this space is upstairs in the Sonata Room. At Four Lakes, this space is in the adjacent Lake Mendota Room.

Occasionally, we need to close those overflow areas to use them for large events for residents or prospective students. On those dates, seating may be more limited, so we will offer an optional disposable to-go box with disposable utensils at those times, for customers who are willing take their food out and free up seating. If a student chooses a to-go box, they must still leave the dining room and follow our typical to-go policy. Students who have one of our reusable to-go containers may also use that option. Students are still welcome to eat in our dining rooms on those days if they prefer.

Some anticipated dates of limited seating this semester due to events are:

Gordon: 3/9, 3/10, 3/24, 4/14, 4/15, 5/11
Four Lakes: 3/10, 3/24, 4/14

Dining Tips

We know that your time is important, and our Dining staff works hard to serve customers quickly. At peak meal times, as with any dining operation, there may sometimes be a small wait, but the lines move swiftly. If you are concerned about wait times or seating availability in our dining markets, here are some tips to consider:

  • Consider visiting our other dining locations. Housing has six dining markets located around campus, and some tend to be less busy than Gordon and Four Lakes.
  • Try to avoid the busiest times if your schedule allows. For example, you are more likely to see a line at noon or if you arrive right when our markets open for a meal time, such as 11am, when students might be waiting for the doors to open.
  • If there is a short wait, try to be patient – lines usually move quickly and only take a few minutes.
  • Have your Wiscard (or other payment) ready when you get to the cashier.
  • At Gordon and Four Lakes, consider eating in our overflow dining rooms when available (upper Gordon and the Lake Mendota Room).
  • Sit with friends or someone you don’t know to save seating space for others.
  • Consider getting your food to-go and dining outside of our dining markets.
  • If you have concerns about dietary need or food access, please connect with our Dietitian or any Dining manager.