Eagle's Wing students sledding in the winter


Enrollment & Orientation

To secure a slot for a child, a contract, enrollment packet, registration fee, and one week of tuition (plus the activity fee, if required) must be sent to the Eagle’s Wing office. All fees are non-refundable. All enrollment forms (contract, emergency card, health history and emergency plan, child profile, and family profile) must be completed and received at least four working days prior to a child’s first day in a program. Immunization and health forms must be turned in within 30 days of the start date. Parents are required to visit a classroom with their child prior to a program start. This provides an opportunity for parents and children to become familiar with teachers, other children, and the classroom.

Family Participation

Eagle’s Wing welcomes observation, interaction, or discussion with teachers by parents at any time (unless access is denied by a court order). Parent participation is strongly encouraged, and may include:

  • Being a Parent Advisory Board member (contact Eagle’s Wing office to get involved)
  • Reading a book to the class
  • Sharing cultural music or experiences
  • Joining a field trip
  • Giving a workplace tour
  • Fixing a toy
  • Demonstrating a hobby or special interest