We’re committed to cultivating an academic environment that promotes the health, safety, and personal well-being of our community. We are only successful in achieving these goals with the direct support and help of residence hall residents.
Last Updated: August 22, 2024
The Student Housing Handbook covers policies and expectations for living in the residence halls and is a binding part of the University Residence Halls Contract for Housing and Dining Service (“Housing Contract”).
Please be sure to read this document in its entirety. Policies within this document are subject to change.
Who We Are
Residence Life is part of the Division of University Housing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As a student service, the University residence halls provide quality living and learning environments and programs to over 7,800 undergraduate student residents. Residence Life is responsible for the students, staff, and programs that create an inclusive learning environment.
House Fellow (HF)
HFs are student staff who live in your residence hall community. HFs are responsible for getting to know the residents in their community. Residents can go to their HF if they need assistance, have questions, or need to talk. HFs also walk the residence halls at night to ensure the hall is secure and that residents are not engaging in behavior that violates policy.
Residence Life Coordinator (RLC)
RLCs are professional staff that live in the residence halls. They supervise student staff (including House Fellows), work to cultivate a positive living and learning environment, respond and assist with crisis situations that arise, and oversee the learning and theme communities within the residence halls.
Conduct and Assistance Team
The Conduct and Assistance Team are professional staff within residence life responsible for coordinating, developing, and implementing the student conduct process within the residential community. They also oversee the response to mental health issues and collaborate with campus partners in alcohol and drug education and prevention efforts.
The Residential Community
Each residence hall offers unique opportunities to meaningfully engage with one another and the greater University community. Each floor of the residence hall is divided into “Houses.” Each house has a unique name carefully selected to honor meaningful faculty, staff, and alumni of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Each House will offer unique programming both in the hall and out of the hall that will promote opportunities to learn and connect with other residents. It is important for each member of the community to critically think about their behavior and the impact it may have on the shared living spaces within the residence hall.
Roommate Agreements
It is important to start the year off with mutually defined room standards and expectations. At the beginning of the academic year, or when a new roommate is assigned, Residence Life encourages roommates to have intentional conversations to establish an agreement for their shared living space. Some items to discuss include but are not limited to social and/or study times, cleanliness expectations, shared use of items (TV, microwave, etc.), and guest expectations. Residence Life encourages open and honest conversations among residents when they are experiencing conflict in their roommate relationship. House Fellows and Residence Life Professional staff are available to lend support during these conversations. They may reference/amend the Roommate Agreement as needed to assist the roommates in achieving an agreed-upon compromise.
Residnece Life firmly believes that residents shall not engage in actions that impede a roommate’s ability to occupy a space or room. Further, residents shall not infringe on the rights of other community members or avert others from experiencing a safe and respectful community living environment.
Health and Safety
We expect all members of the University Housing community — residents, staff, and visitors — to act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. All residential students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within University Housing. All residential students are required to hold and administer their own appropriately prescribed medications. At no point, are Housing staff permitted to store, hold, or administer medications for residential students. The University may request or require a resident to relocate to another residence hall or leave University Housing if their continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk to the community members.
Amnesty through Responsible Action
Safety is first and foremost. As a UW–Madison community member, we expect students to demonstrate the utmost care and concern for themselves and others in a medical emergency or crisis, particularly in circumstances involving alcohol or other drugs. In the interest of student safety, this program serves to remove or reduce punitive consequences faced by students in violation of nonacademic misconduct. This allows a student who required medical assistance to receive medical attention without a violation of misconduct policies. It would also remove violations for those who assisted the student in need. More information on Amnesty through Responsible Action.
Bias Incidents
Bias incidents are non-criminal activity committed against a person or property that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a victim’s real or perceived expression of race, shared ancestry, ethnicity characteristics, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability (mental or physical), age, political affiliation, religion, or any other physical or cultural characteristic. These actions can be via physical actions, speech, or electronic messages.
A bias crime occurs when the perpetrator engages in criminal behavior or acts against an individual, property, organization, or group based on the offender’s perceptions of the above categories. Types of crimes committed might range from vandalism of religious buildings or sites to physical attacks against persons. This could include graffiti, threatening phone calls, criminal harassment, arson, battery, or physical attacks.
Although the expression of an idea or point of view may be offensive or inflammatory to some, it is not necessarily a violation of law or university policy. The university values and embraces the ideals of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, and freedom of expression, all of which must be vitally sustained in a community of scholars. While these freedoms protect controversial ideas and differing views, and sometimes even offensive and hurtful words, they do not protect acts of misconduct that violate criminal law or university policy.
New students are expected to complete the Our Wisconsin experience which consists of a required online inclusion course that provides students with the knowledge about social identities and builds awareness of how personal and systemic actions impact individuals’ experiences. Students can access this program via Canvas and must complete the program in order to register for the spring semester classes.
If you feel that you have been the victim of or witness to a bias incident or a bias crime, we encourage you to discuss the matter with your House Fellow, Residence Life Coordinator, Assistant Director, Inclusion, or any member of the Residence Life staff team with whom you are most comfortable. We strongly encourage you to report the incident in person, via email to a staff member, or via a Campus Bias Concern Form.
Elevator Malfunction
If an elevator malfunctions when you are in it, you should ring the emergency bell and wait for assistance. Do not attempt to leave the elevator or assist anyone else in leaving an elevator car, even if you can see the floor above or below you. Do not attempt to force the doors open if they do not open automatically and do not assist anyone else in forcing the door open.
If you are not in the elevator and you hear the alarm bell, find out who is in the elevator and try to find a House Fellow or go to the hall desk if it is open. If no House Fellow is available or if the desk is closed, call UW–Madison Police at 608-264-COPS (608-264-2677) and report the malfunction. Be sure to tell the dispatcher that there are people in the elevator car.
Fire Alarms/Evacuations
You must familiarize yourself with procedures for evacuating the building before you need to evacuate in an emergency. Evacuation procedures are posted within your residential community. You should familiarize yourself with the nearest exit from your room as well as alternate exits if the exit nearest to your room is unusable.
Evacuation is required for your safety and also for the safety of the firefighters, UW–Madison Police officers, and Residence Life staff members who respond during fire alarms. During an evacuation, keep the following in mind:
- Before opening your door, check to see if the door or doorknob is hot. If it is not hot, or if there is no smoke coming under your room door, proceed with the emergency procedures under Fire Emergencies below.
- Close your room door behind you.
- Walk, don’t run to the nearest accessible exit (use the designated exit for your room on the evacuation guide that is posted in your house).
- Do not use the elevator.
- If smoke or fumes are coming up the stairwell, use an alternate exit.
- Once you’re out of the building, move as far away as possible from the exit to protect your own safety and to allow firefighters access to the building.
- Be respectful towards and listen to University Housing staff, UW-Madison Police, and Emergency Responders who are assisting residents in response to the fire alarm.
- If you do not leave during a fire alarm University Housing staff will notify UW-Madison Police for possible legal action. You may also be subject to disciplinary actions through the University/Housing. Your decision places not only yourself but other individuals in danger.
Fire Emergencies
In case of a fire:
- If the fire is small, can be contained, and you feel safe doing so, use the nearest fire extinguisher.
- Pull the nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building as outlined above.
If you notice smoke coming from a room:
- Pull the fire alarm and evacuate the building as outlined above.
- Direct a staff person to the location of the room.
If there is heavy smoke and you cannot find your way to an exit or if your room door or a doorknob is hot:
- Remain in your room with the door closed.
- Place a towel or other clothing along the bottom of the door.
- Open a window and hang a sheet or white towel out to attract attention.
- Call 9-1-1 and give the dispatcher your location. Stay on the phone with the dispatcher until they direct you to hang up.
- Stay in your room until emergency personnel tell you it is okay to leave.
Fire Precautions
To greatly reduce the chance of a fire, you should:
- Avoid running electrical cords under carpeting where the cords can be stepped on and easily damaged.
- Use surge protectors with their own built-in fuse and Do not overload electrical circuits.
- Use only approved appliances in approved locations and only when you are fully present while they are in use.
- Empty wastebaskets regularly.
- Keep doors to stairwells closed.
- Keep hallways clear of your belongings including shoes and boots.
- Do not light candles/incense/tobacco products (University Housing is a smoke-free environment — these products are not permitted).
Residents will be held financially responsible for acts of negligence or intent that result in damage to University property and/or the personal property of others.
*Please notify Residence Life staff upon your arrival if you are in need of assistance in evacuating the building.
Keys and Hall Access
All keys and hall access are the property of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Division of University Housing. Unauthorized use, possession, or duplication or University Housing keys/access is prohibited. No additional locks or locking devices attached to doors are permitted. Residents may not lend their key/e-key/Wiscard to any other individual or leave it unattended and accessible.
Residents who are locked out of their building or room may borrow a key from their hall desk during regular business hours with proper identification. When the hall desk is closed, residents should request lockout assistance by calling the House Fellow duty phone. Duty phone numbers can be found posted throughout the building. Students will receive two free loaner keys or House Fellow access per semester, after which they will be billed $15 per loaner key or House Fellow access.
Replacements for lost keys must be obtained from the hall desk. Students will be billed $75 for replacement keys. If a key is bent or broken, University Housing will replace the key at no charge.
Locking Schedules
Some outside doors and/or inner stairwell doors and elevators are programmed for electronic access for all or part of each day. Your Wiscard will open all doors and elevators programmed with this access. The locking schedule for these doors and elevators has been created to provide security for you and your personal possessions. Doors that are locked should never be propped open. In addition, the locking schedule may change due to special events. Some exterior doors are locked and alarmed and can only be used for emergency exits. Please do not let others in behind you by holding doors open for them.
Medical Concerns
University Health Services (UHS) has two clinic locations. One is in the Lakeshore neighborhood inside Dejope Residence Hall and the main location is located at 333 E. Campus Mall. UHS is a full-service medical provider. They offer treatment of illness and injury and have a variety of specialty providers. UHS medical services can be reached via the web or phone: 608-256-5600
Mental Health Concerns
The UHS Crisis Response Service is a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week service for students experiencing mental health concerns. Their phone number is 608-265-5600.
Emergency Contact Notification
University Housing cares about the health and well-being of all residents. If a member of the Residence Life staff becomes concerned for your imminent safety and well-being, your listed emergency contact may be notified.
Peepholes and Door Chains
As an additional safety measure, you may request that a peephole, door chain, or latch be placed on your room door if the door is not already equipped with these features. Peepholes and/or door chains can be requested through the University Housing maintenance page. There is no charge for this service.
Room Entry Policy
University Housing reserves the right to enter your room in the interest of health, safety, security, and building maintenance. When possible, advance notice of room entry will be given. Housing employees are required to report any violations of University regulations and/or terms of this contract observed when in your room. Authorized personnel(I.e., Housing staff or UWPD) may enter your room to:
- Respond to what they consider a serious life and/or health-threatening emergency.
- Conduct an investigation if requested by police officers under their authority and responsibility
- Assess for damages if a previous roommate or resident has vacated.
- Perform requested, preventive, prescheduled, and/or emergency maintenance.
- Silence a disruptive noise in the absence of occupants of the room.
Property can be seized and removed from your room when:
- It constitutes an imminent danger
- It is University-owned property
- It is an unauthorized animal/pet
No room will be entered except when staff has reasonable evidence to believe that an immediate entry is necessary to resolve a serious, safety, life, or health-threatening situation. Appropriate legal authorities may be asked to enter resident rooms in response to potentially serious health and safety concerns.
Safety and Security
Residents play a critical role in creating a safe community for everyone. Please remember that your actions impact everyone else in the community as well as your safety. See the UW–Madison Police website for more information. Please:
- Carry your keys and Wiscard at all times.
- Lock your room door when you and your roommate(s) are away and especially when you are sleeping.
- Pay attention to your surroundings. Do not let strangers into the hall or prop entrances.
- Walk-in groups. Use SAFEWalk at 608-262-5000. Keep your cell phone accessible.
- Make sure someone knows when you leave, where you are headed, and when to expect you back.
- Report a crime or any suspicious activity immediately:
- Emergency: Dial 911
- Non-emergency: 608-264-COPS (2677)
Do not hesitate to contact University Housing staff or UW–Madison Police if you observe an unsafe situation or have a concern.
Sexual Harassment/Violence and Dating Violence
Sexual harassment and sexual violence, including sexual assault, dating, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation are strictly prohibited. Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the UW–Madison Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence. For more information about violence prevention programs, resources, workshops, and trainings, please visit UHS’ website.
Smoke Detectors in Rooms
A smoke detector is provided in each student’s room. The smoke detector in your room is plugged into the hall electrical system and will go off when smoke particles enter the smoke detector unit. Never unplug, cover, hang things from, or create a situation where the smoke detector is inoperative.
If the alarm of your room smoke detector goes off, you should:
- Determine the source of the smoke and, if it is a small fire in your room and you feel safe doing so, use the fire extinguisher in the hall to put out the fire.
- Pull the building alarm if you cannot immediately determine the source of the smoke or extinguish the fire.
- Follow the building evacuation procedures posted throughout the building.
To report smoke detector malfunction, please fill out a maintenance request.
A tornado warning issued by the National Weather Service means a tornado has actually been sighted in the area. When a tornado warning has been issued, the Dane County emergency sirens will sound a steady tone for three or more minutes. The sirens are tested on the first Wednesday of every month at 12 pm.
During a tornado warning, you should:
- Seek shelter at the lowest possible level away from glass windows, partitions, doors, and outside walls.
- Bring your cell phone.
- Do not use the elevator.
- Remain in the shelter location until the all-clear signal has been given over the radio or TV.
- Remain calm and do not obstruct emergency personnel.
A tornado watch indicates that conditions could lead to a tornado. Be aware and continue to listen for updated information.
Transportation for Medical Care
UW–Madison Police may provide transportation one-way to University Health Services (when open) or to local hospital emergency rooms, provided you can walk unassisted. There are some limitations to this service. Call UW–Madison Police at 608-264-COPS (608-264-2677) and they can assess if they can transport you or need to get an ambulance. UW–Madison Police do not provide transportation back from the hospital or back from University Health Services. UW–Madison Police transportation should not be used in emergency or life-threatening situations. In emergency situations, call 911 for an ambulance.
UW–Madison Police
UW–Madison’s campus is patrolled 24/7 by UW–Madison Police in cars, on bicycles, and on foot. Officers frequently visit and complete walk-throughs of the residence halls. If you need to reach an officer in the event of an emergency and/or to report a crime in progress, call 911. If you need an officer and it is not an emergency, call 608-264-COPS (608-264-2677).
Students are encouraged to sign up for the emergency text messaging system by logging into My UW. Look for the WiscAlert logo. Registration takes just a few moments.
Desk Services and Resources
Each residence hall or area has a hall desk assigned to it. At these desks, residents can send/retrieve mail, check out keys, report facilities concerns, and check out items such as cookware and ping pong paddles. For more information on hall desks, laundry, lost and found, keys, mailing, and packages, please visit the Hall Desk website.
Resident Expectations
Residence Life has established the following expectations regarding resident behavior. These policies have been established to ensure that the residence hall living and learning environment is one that prioritizes student success and well-being. Residence Life staff work closely with the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS) to address behaviors that occur both on and off campus.
- Alcohol and alcoholic beverage containers are prohibited in, and on grounds adjacent to, University Residence Halls.
- The only exception is in a resident room where all residents are assigned to and people present in that room are 21 or older.
- Possessing, consuming, being under the influence of, or being in the presence of alcohol under the age of 21 is strictly prohibited.
- Use of large volume or common source alcoholic beverage containers such as kegs or Black Out Rage Gallons (BORGs) are prohibited.
- Residents and guests over the age of 21 may not procure alcohol to individuals under the legal drinking age.
- Games generally associated with the consumption of alcohol, such as beer/water pong, are not permitted, even if alcohol is not present.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be made in University Residence Halls.
Animals and Pets
All pets other than fish in a 20-gallon tank or smaller are prohibited, with the exception of approved Emotional Support Animals (ESA) or Service Animals. If an unapproved animal is present in a residence hall room, the owner will have 24 hours to remove the animal. Information about ESA’s can be found on UW–Madison’s McBurney Disability Resource Center website.
Please see Emotional Support Animals in University Housing for more information.
Cleaning, Trash, and Recycling
- All garbage and recycling should be disposed of promptly and in the appropriate areas. Room garbage should not be disposed of in common area locations.
- Residents are responsible for cleaning their own rooms, including their in-room bathrooms.
Controlled Substances
The possession, use, or intent to deliver narcotics or dangerous drugs, including marijuana in or on grounds adjacent to the residence halls is prohibited.
- Residents are prohibited from using or being in the presence of marijuana or other drugs.
- The possession or use of paraphernalia that is specific and unique to illegal drug use is prohibited.
- The misuse of prescription or over-the-counter medication, including, but not limited to, sales and distribution, is prohibited.
Common Spaces (Dens, lounges, bathrooms, etc.)
- Residents are expected to clean up after themselves after using common spaces.
- Residents may not organize events in common spaces without receiving approval from a Residence Life professional staff member.
- Common spaces cannot be used for sleeping or sexual activity.
- Common spaces cannot be used to show or listen to pornographic material.
- Keeping personal belongings in common areas, including hallways is prohibited.
Sports and Recreational Activities
- Residents may not play sports in common areas or hallways and may not use any type of bat, ball, stick, or other objects in common areas or hallways.
- Residents may not inflate or use pools or hot tubs inside the residence hall or any property surrounding the residence hall.
- Roller skates, in-line skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters (unless needed for accommodation purposes) or other similar devices may not be used within residence halls.
Compliance with University Staff
Residents are expected to cooperate with staff and adhere to reasonable requests. Any concerns from an interaction with staff should be shared with the community Residence Life Coordinator or another Residence Life staff member.
- The use of physical force of any kind against a staff member is prohibited.
- Verbal abuse, physical intimidations, or menacing behaviors directed towards a staff member, the display of materials that demean a staff member, and/or interfering with staff members engaged in the performance of assigned responsibilities are prohibited.
Residents may not deliberately or through negligence on a resident’s part damage, deface, and/or destroy UW–Madison/University Housing property or property belonging to another resident or guest. Residents will be expected to reimburse University Housing for any damage the resident and/or resident’s guests cause.
Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly conduct is conduct that is boisterous, unruly or has otherwise disrupted the living community. Examples of disorderly conduct include:
- Posting/writing harassing material on community/personal whiteboards or bulletin boards.
- Pranks that include theft or damage to property, violate other policies, or put anyone in danger are prohibited and taken seriously.
- Depositing of bodily fluids, including but not limited to vomiting, urinating, or defecating in public areas or inappropriate locations is prohibited.
- Engaging in assaultive behavior.
- Making threats of harm directed at others.
- Harassment directed at other residents, staff, students, or guests.
Electrical and Lithium Battery Appliances
Lithium Battery Guidelines
- A maximum of 8 grams total of lithium metal batteries are allowed in residence hall rooms and apartments
- A maximum of 1000 Watts per battery for lithium-ion batteries are allowed in residence halls rooms and apartments.
- Residents are not allowed to dismantle or undertake repairs to any type of battery in their residence hall or apartment.
- Residents can only use battery chargers that were intended to be used for the particular battery that is being charged.
Residence hall rooms are not designed to support large electronics or cooking appliances. All approved appliances and devices brought to campus must be in good working condition and must be UL Listed.
- Only University Housing approved window air-conditioners are permitted due to ADA/Medical needs. Please see here for more information.
- Residents are not permitted to remove the University provided micro-fridge/freezer from their room.
- Stand-alone freezers are not permitted in resident rooms.
- Residents may not use cooking appliances with an exposed heating element
Prohibited Appliances
- Electric grills (i.e. George Foreman, waffle iron, griddle, pizzazz pizza oven, panini maker, quesadilla maker, etc.)
- Pizza cooker
- Toaster
- Hot plate
- All-in-one breakfast maker
- Instantpot/crockpot/slow cooker/pressure cooker
- Air fryer
- Halogen lamp
- Window Air-conditioning unit (Non-approved)
- Space heater
- Electric fireplace
- Portable electric dryer
- Electric wax melt
- Large stereo speakers
Approved Appliances
- Microwave
- Rice cooker
- Coffee pot
- Keurig coffee pot
- Clothing iron
- Air popcorn popper
- Blender
- Personal blender/juicer
- Hot water boiler/electric kettle
- Hairstyling tools
- Vacuum cleaner
- Humidifier
- Dehumidifier
- Compact speakers
- Clothing steamer
- Water cooler
- Residents are responsible for the service required for this appliance. If a service is called, residents are required to accompany them while they’re in the building.
*Lists are not exhaustive
Fire Safety
- Building evacuation is required when the fire alarm sounds/flashes in the building.
- All approved electronic appliances and devices within residence halls must be UL Listed.
- Residents are prohibited from having or burning candles or incense in rooms and common areas.
- Residents needing to burn/light candles or other items for religious and/or cultural purposes should talk to their building Residence Life Coordinator and fill out this exemption form.
- Wax heating electronics are prohibited.
- Residents are prohibited from having firecrackers/fireworks within, out of, or adjacent to residential communities.
- Setting fires in and around the residence halls is prohibited.
- Covering, disconnecting, or hanging items from smoke detectors is prohibited
- Residents are prohibited from keeping non-potted vegetation in their rooms. Examples include Christmas trees, wreaths, straw, wood, and bark.
- The use of multiple socket outlet plugs designed to expand the number of outlets in a room is prohibited.
- Only circuit breaker extension cords are permitted.
- Carpeting may not be placed over extension cords.
- Items should not be affixed to or hung from room ceilings and pipes. These items include but are not limited to ceiling fans, clotheslines, fishnet, flags, posters, string lights, etc.
- Gasoline, propane, lighter fluid, nitrous oxide, liquid nitrogen, turpentine, dry cleaning fluid, and any other highly flammable and dangerous chemicals are prohibited in residence hall rooms.
- Rooms must have a clear path from the door to the other side of the room.
- All furniture within the room must be placed in a manner that allows the room door to open without obstruction.
- All furniture provided by Housing may not be removed from the room and stored elsewhere.
- Loft system furniture is provided in all halls; students may not bring or assemble their own loft.
- Fixed furniture such as desks, dressers, and bookshelves may not be detached without permission from the Building Supervisor.
- Residents may not drill holes in or disassemble any Housing furniture.
- Resident-provided furniture must be removed before checking out of the room.
- Waterbeds are not permitted.
University Housing staff will enforce state laws regarding gambling. The exchange of money or items of monetary value in gambling ventures is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, penny poker, games of chance, betting on various sports functions, online gambling from the residence halls, etc.
- Keys are to be in the possession of and only used by the resident to whom they were issued and/or assigned (i.e. residents may not lend or give their key to someone else, including a roommate).
- University keys may not be duplicated or altered.
- Residents should be able to show their room keys upon request.
- Unreturned room keys or common space keys may result in a lock change being billed to the resident who checked the key out.
- Residents may not post signage around the residence hall without approval from University Housing Desk Services.
- Registered student organizations (RSOs) wishing to get a poster approved for the residence hall bulletin boards must contact Desk Services.
Quiet and Courtesy Hours
Quiet hours are 11 pm – 7 am Sunday – Thursday and 12 am – 7 am Friday and Saturday. During quiet hours, it is expected that:
- Noise from each resident and/or residents’ rooms should not be loud enough to be heard outside the door.
- The hours outside of quiet hours are considered courtesy hours. Residents’ behavior and noise level should be respectful to the community and be conducive to studying and learning.
- Residents should be respectful of requests made by their fellow residents and/or staff for the level of noise originating from their space to be lowered.
- Residents can expect that all halls will have more restrictive quiet hours during final exam week.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the University Residence Halls, including common area spaces such as dens, hallways, stairwells, and bathrooms as well as resident rooms.
- Smoking is not allowed within 25 feet of all University Residence Halls and Dining buildings under the University’s smoke-free policy and state law.
- The use of e-cigarettes and/or vaping (including Juuls) is not permitted in University Residence Halls.
Campaigning, Solicitation and/or Other Promotional Activities
University Housing policies on campaigning, solicitation or other promotional activities can be found on the University Housing website.
Commercial Activities
- Using residence hall rooms, mailboxes, telephones, or UW–Madison Information Technology resources to conduct any commercial enterprise is prohibited.
- Peddling, selling, and/or soliciting on University property or by using UW–Madison Information Technology resources is prohibited.
- An exception to this rule is the sale of personal property purchased primarily for an individual’s own use.
Residents may not tamper with any University property. Examples of tampering include, but are not limited to:
- Tampering with the locking system of resident rooms, bathrooms, common areas, exit doors, etc.
- Residents may not tamper with or hang things from the in-hall sprinkler system/sprinkler head.
- Residents are prohibited from tampering with any university-owned appliance, device, or other property.
- Nothing may be hung from the UWNet cable raceway in rooms.
- The UWNet cable raceway may not be removed, damaged, or altered.
- Room smoke detectors must remain attached and equipped with an operating battery at all times.
- Covering, disconnecting, or hanging items from smoke detectors is prohibited.
- Residents and guests may not remove a fire extinguisher from its prescribed location and/or activate a fire extinguisher unless there is a fire emergency.
- Tampering with electrical wires or outlets is prohibited.
- Rewiring any electrical source is prohibited.
- Exit doors that are locked/closed should not be propped open
- Removal of Housing-owned furniture or other property from its intended area of use, or from the building, is prohibited and will be treated as theft.
- Removal of Housing-owned trays, dishes, containers, and eating utensils from dining facilities is prohibited.
- Taking food/beverage from dining rooms/stores without paying for it and/or consuming food/beverage in dining rooms/stores before paying for it is prohibited.
- The removal of personal property belonging to your roommate or another community member without their consent is prohibited and will be treated as theft.
A guest is defined as any person who does not live in the residence hall whom you bring or let into the hall. Note: weekends associated with an increased amount of people visiting campus (Homecoming, Halloween, Mifflin) may result in additional restrictions to visitors/guests within residence halls. While in a residence hall, guests must comply with the Housing rules and/or policies applicable to residents. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests and may be subject to student discipline or other legal action for violation of any policies, ordinances, regulations, or laws.
- No more than 2 guests/room may stay overnight at any given time.
- Overnight guests may not stay more than 3 consecutive nights in any hall. Residents may not have any overnight guests or a combination of overnight guests for more than 6 nights per month or more than 2 weekends a month.
- Overnight guests are not allowed during final exam periods.
- One overnight guest per night is generally allowed during break periods (such as fall or spring break); however, no guests are allowed during winter break or “extra night” periods at the end of each semester.
- Extra nights are available at an additional fee to students who work in the division or have extenuating circumstances that require them to remain in their residence hall room after their contract dates.
- Guests and visitors may not be in possession of resident room keys or Wiscard ID.
- Guests and visitors must be escorted whenever they are outside of a host’s room.
- Guests and visitors may use the restroom or shower facility in which they feel safest and most comfortable.
During certain weekend periods (Halloween, Lily’s, Mifflin) to maintain safety for our residents and our community, University Residence Halls follow a revised guest visitor policy:
- Guests are not allowed in any residence hall during this weekend. This includes students from other residence halls, as well as off-campus visitors. This no-guest policy will be enforced by University Housing staff and the UW–Madison Police.
- Residence Halls will be locked all weekend long, so please carry your Wiscard and room key with you at all times.
- ID check-in stations will be present in several buildings. You will need to present your Wiscard to the staff members at the entrances. They will verify your housing and your identity. Anyone without an ID or anyone who is not a resident of that building will not be allowed entry into the building.
- Please do not allow people that you don’t know into the hall.
- Specific information regarding these weekends will be shared with residents throughout the year.
- The possession and/or use of firearms and other dangerous weapons (including firearm and dangerous weapon replicas) is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to guns, paintball guns, pellet guns, BB guns, Airsoft BB guns, bows and arrows, ninja stars, knives, and swords.
- The possession and/or use of a firearm or other dangerous weapon parts or accessories is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: parts of any guns, ammunition, shells, shell casings, and plastic or metal pellets.
- Individuals may not display or portray as real any object that resembles a dangerous weapon.
Windows/Roof Access
- Residents must keep the screens on their windows at all times. Further, residents are prohibited from throwing items, hanging items/self, or exiting out of their window unless it is due to a life-threatening situation.
- No item(s) may be thrown, dropped, or pushed out of any residence hall window. Tampering with or removing window screens from residence hall windows is prohibited.
- Residents are prohibited from accessing roofs or similar spaces without approval.