Sunset at the Memorial Union Terrace

Summer Term Housing


To live in the UW-Madison University Residence Halls for summer term, you must be an admitted student, enrolled for at least one summer credit, and have a ten-digit campus ID number at UW-Madison. To apply for summer housing, simply fill out an application in My UW Housing. Applications will open beginning March 31, 2025. Housing contracts are offered based on the date of application.

If you do not see a summer application in My UW Housing, contact us at for assistance.

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Session Check In Date Check Out Date
Interim to 4-week (only available to current residence hall students) May 10, 2025 (move on May 14)
University Housing Employee May 10, 2025 (move on May 14, while employees currently living off-campus move in on May 14) August 14, 2025
Early 4-Week May 18, 2025 June 14, 2025*
8-Week June 15, 2025 August 9, 2025
First 4-Week June 15, 2025 July 12, 2025
Second 4-Week July 13, 2025 August 9, 2025
Engineering Summer Launch July 26, 2025 Transition to fall assignment on August 14
Summer to Fall Transition (available only to residents with a contract for next academic year) August 9, 2025 Transition to fall assignment on August 14

*Students who sign up for the early 4-week and either the first 4-week or 8-week sessions will be charged an additional night based on their assigned room rate for the night between the two sessions.

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The rates listed below are per resident. Most residents are assigned to triples as singles and doubles are very limited for summer term housing.

Residence Hall Room Type Interim Early 4-Week, First 4-Week, & Second 4-Week 8-Week Summer to Fall Transition
Smith Double Type A $280 $945 $1,925 $525
Double Type B $264 $891 $1,815 $495
Double with Bath $288 $972 $1,980 $540
Single Type A $304 $1,026 $2,090 $570
Single Type B $280 $945 $1,925 $525
Single with Bath $320 $1,080 $2,200 $600
Triple $240 $810 $1,650 $450

Note: the rate for University Housing Employees is $600 for the full summer term. The rate for Engineering Summer Launch sessions is $870 and includes summer to fall transition. Engineering students are only assigned to triple rooms.

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Summer Housing Boost

UW-Madison Summer Term’s Summer Housing Boost Program can help current undergraduate students cover the cost of living in the residence halls over the summer. You must be:

  • Currently enrolled as an undergraduate degree-seeking student at UW-Madison.
  • Enrolled at least half-time for the session in which you receive Summer Housing Boost. For example, if you enrolled in the 8-week session, you need to be enrolled in at least 3 credits.
  • Eligible to reside in the UW-Madison University Residence Halls.

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Summer Jobs

Did you know students who work for Housing this summer can have starting wages of $15/hour, receive a discount on food, and pay only $600 for summer housing? If you’re interested in the summer housing employee discount, find more information and apply on the summer employment section of our student jobs page.

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University Housing Dining & Culinary Services offers a variety of fresh, healthy, made-from-scratch options in multiple all-you-care-to-eat locations across campus. Have a dietary need or food allergy? We have a registered dietitian on staff who can provide allergy-friendly menus.

Students living in University Residence Halls for summer term can choose to purchase a summer block meal plan, however, it is not a requirement. Explore the meal plan option below to see if it is right for you.

  • When: May 12 – August 10, 2025 (expires on August 10)
  • Where: Gordon, Four Lakes, and Rheta’s Markets
  • Cost: $170 (2% credit card fees will apply)

Note: summer residents who do not choose the summer block meal plan can purchase meals individually at door price with a credit card, debit card, or Wiscard. When paying with your Wiscard, you’ll receive a 5% discount on all purchases.

Summer Block Meal Plan

Summer Block Meal Plan
Meals Block of 20 Meals
at a discounted rate
When Summer Term (May 12 - August 10)
expires on August 10
Where Four Lakes, Gordon Avenue, & Rheta's Markets
Cost $170
2% credit card fees will apply

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  • Summer Term Housing residents can purchase blocks of 20 meals in the Wiscard portal anytime between May 1 – August 1 (the meal plan is active beginning May 12)
  • Meals expire end of day August 10 
  • Discounted price is $8.50 per meal for any meal period
  • Summer residents can use meals on a guest to dine with them
  • Not available for meal exchanges
  • Not required for summer term housing residents
  • Not required to access our dining markets (door prices are available to all)
  • Residents can view our daily menus for a list of which Dining markets are open each day
  • Not available to Housing employees

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Summer Block Meal Plan FAQs

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How do I select and pay for a summer block meal plan?

Once you have completed a summer term housing contract, you will be given access to purchase blocks (beginning May 1) and participate in the summer block meal plan. We will email a link and instructions to your email address once your Wiscard portal is set up to allow meal purchases. After receiving the email granting access, credit card purchases of 1, 2, or 3 blocks of 20 meals can be made anytime (through August 1) via the Wiscard website. Credit card fees will apply.

What are the locations and times for meals?

Gordon Avenue Market, Four Lakes Market, and Rheta’s Market. Dining hours are listed on our website.

What does a block consist of and how long is it good for?

One block consists of 20 meals at $8.50 per meal for a total block cost of $170. The summer block meal plan is active May 10 – August 12, 2025.

Will I be refunded for any meals that I did not use?

No, refunds will not be issued for unused blocks or meals.

Can I add more blocks when I run out?

Yes, summer term housing residents can purchase additional blocks of 20 meals in the Wiscard portal. The portal will be open for deposits from May 1 – August 1.

What happens to unused meals if I cancel my summer housing contract?

If you have an approved cancellation from your summer term housing contract, any unused meals will be credited against remaining summer charges or refunded to you.

Do I get a discounted rate for meals as an employee?

Housing employees are ineligible for the summer block meal plan but do receive a discounted rate when purchasing with their Wiscard account.

How does the summer block meal plan work if I am part of a summer group (i.e. Project GO, SEAFLI, IFLI, TURFLI, Boost)?

If you are part of a program that is paying for part or all of your summer term housing, please communicate with your program coordinator for questions regarding what costs will be covered. As a Housing resident, you are eligible to participate in the summer block meal plan. For any program that is providing meals, we will work directly with your program to get those meals added to your account. You will not have to purchase through the Wiscard portal for those covered meals. If your program is not covering meal costs, you will be financially responsible for the full cost of any blocks you purchase.

Do unused summer block meals roll over into my fall meal plan?

No, the summer block meal plan operates separately from the academic year plans. The summer block meal plan will expire on August 10, 2025, and any unused meals remaining after that will be forfeited.

Do the block meals work at Wisconsin Union or other campus dining facilities?

No, the summer block meal plan is valid only at Gordon Avenue Market, Four Lakes Market, and Rheta’s Market during open hours. There are no meal exchanges or dining dollars with the summer block meal plans.

Can I use one of my meals for a guest?

Yes, summer term housing residents can use meals for guests to dine with them. There are no daily limits or waiting periods between meals used.

Can I purchase a summer block meal plan while living off-campus?

No, the summer block meal plan is only available to residents with a binding summer term housing contract.

Can I use the summer block meal plan for Starship robot delivery purchases?

No, the summer block meal plan is not eligible for Starship robot delivery.

For additional questions about the summer block meal plan that aren’t answered above, please contact Housing Business Services.

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Services & Amenities


UWNet Internet service is available in all rooms and common areas, including floor dens.

Note: individual student rooms are not equipped with a telephone or landline service.

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You’ll have easy access to laundry facilities inside Smith Residence Hall. All washers and dryers are free for summer term housing residents.

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Hall Desk

Each hall’s desk is open at various hours in the summer to provide you information about Madison and campus. Hall desks are also available to receive mail and packages and check out items such as vacuums, games, tools, and more.

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Residence Life Coordinators

Residence Life Coordinators are full-time professional staff members who are responsible for supervising House Fellows, promoting involvement and academic success, advising students who plan activities and events, administering disciplinary processes, assisting with problems, and coordinating liaison efforts between facilities, dining, and desk staff as well as other campus partners like the UW-Madison Police DepartmentUniversity Health Services (UHS), and more.

House Fellows

Similar to a Resident Advisor (RA), House Fellows are student staff members with whom you’ll have the most frequent contact. They are available to help answer questions, provide resources, solve problems, enforce UW-Madison and University Housing policies, and more.

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Getting Your Wiscard

All registered students at UW-Madison are entitled to a Wiscard (the official UW-Madison photo ID). Your Wiscard allows you to get a summer bus pass and to access other campus services. The Wiscard website provides instructions for how to get your Wiscard.

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Room Furnishings

Each resident is provided a bed, mattress, desk, desk chair, hanging clothing storage, and folding clothing storage. Each room is provided a compact refrigerator, window coverings, closets or wardrobes, a wastebasket, recycling bin, mirror, and high-speed wireless access points with optional wired connections. You should bring your own sheets and pillows. Please note that

Note: most rooms are set up for double occupancy, so there may be two sets of furniture in your room. Due to space limitations, extra furniture will not be removed and storage is not available for summer term housing residents returning to the residence halls next year.

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UW-Madison Transportation Services operates all campus parking and bicycle/pedestrian services. Due to limited availability, on-campus parking is very rarely granted to students. Most students find getting around on campus without a car is easy to do, though.


The City of Madison’s Metro Transit offers a number of free bus routes on and around the UW-Madison campus. Anyone can ride these routes without paying a fare or showing an ID. In addition, students enrolled at UW-Madison can get a free bus pass good for unlimited rides on Madison Metro bus routes, allowing you to travel throughout the metro area.

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The UW-Madison Police Department is available during emergencies by calling 911 or 608-264-COPS (2677).


A smoke detector is located in each resident room, hallway, and common area. If the fire alarms off, please proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly fashion.


  • Do not hold open residence hall exterior doors for strangers
  • Lock your door whenever leaving your room
  • If confronted by an individual with a weapon, give up your property immediately
  • Sign-up to receive WiscAlerts to get notifications when there is an emergency situation on campus

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Broken windows, locks, or other urgent situations like malfunctioning elevators should be reported to your House Fellow or hall desk immediately.


Burnt out light bulbs, window screen replacement, fixes to furniture that is otherwise not causing a hazard, or problems with insects should be reported by submitting a Maintenance Request.

Submit a Maintenance Request

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Smoke-Free Facilities

Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the University Residence Halls including student rooms and public areas such as dens, hallways, and bathrooms. Smoking is also prohibited outside within 25 feet of any University Residence Hall and/or dining facility.

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Pardon Our Dust

During the summer, there will be some on-going facility improvement projects. There are a number of developments taking place across campus and we appreciate your understanding and patience as these important projects are completed.

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Move Out

Summer Only

Summer term housing residents without a contract for next academic year must move out by Noon on August 9, 2025, unless they are University Housing employees. Moving assistance is not available.

Note: only students staying for the 8-week and second 4-week sessions have the above move out date. Early 4-week session students have an earlier move-out date.

Summer to Fall

Summer term housing residents with a contract for next academic year will move from their summer room to their fall room on August 14, 2025.

Note: construction projects on campus may impact this move date for some students. In such cases, additional communication will be sent to impacted residents with updated move dates.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What do I do if I want to live in the University Residence Halls for Summer Term?

Submit a summer housing application in My UW Housing when it becomes available March 31, 2025. If space allows, you will be sent a Housing contract offer. Please keep in mind this process is first come, first serve. If you complete your contract and submit your advance payment by your individual deadline you will be guaranteed a space for summer term. You will receive your room assignment prior to your arrival.

How much is my advance payment?

A $300 advance payment must be made at the time the University Residence Halls summer term contract is submitted electronically in My UW Housing.

If I am not satisfied with my summer assignment, am I able to request a room change?

Students who have concerns about their room should contact their House Fellow or Residence Life Coordinator to discuss available options.

I'm not sure where I want to live for the summer and I'm considering living off-campus. I think I should sign a housing contract as a backup. Is that allowed?

Please wait until you have made your decision about where to live before you sign a housing contract. Our contract is a legally binding document, which means that we cannot release you to live off-campus. Take time to consider your options before you make a commitment to live in the University Residence Halls.

Can I get out of the contract if I later decide I want to move off-campus?

No. The contract you sign is a binding, legal document, so we do not release students to make other housing arrangements. You will be financially responsible for the terms of your contract for the summer term.